
Rikki continues to embed in Gaza genocide via live video. Interviews. Analysis. Feeds. Commentary.

Chris Hedges journalist with theological foundation, Norm Finklestein who compares the palestinian violence to the Nat Turner uprising, Bad Hasbara jews who make fun of themselves. There’s a bald arabic cat with a green backlight names Mahmood OD who monologues informed, tirelessly and fiercely. Electronic Intefada has a cat who is a combat analyst.

Deep dives. Rikki makes it a religion. The situation is as real here as it can be from around the globe.

Riley the sibling of Rinah’s BFF (or is it GF) was in a play at the state college. Double Feature. Plan 9 from Outer Space and Night of the Living Dead. The kid is socially awkward. Brilliantly informed about music and film. Was good to see him them there. Great smile.
