
An Otter story about her first fuck. A mexican fruit picker. An adult. Otter was around thirteen. Felt good about it.

From personal experience having had a relationship at seventeen with a 27 year old and from other stories, sexual connection between teens and adults can be not only not bad but instances of joyful possibly even divine human connection.

Sucks there is so much trauma that haunts so many people with similarly matched encounters.

Sex. Death. Money. Death is inarguable inescapable. Sex and money damn close to it at the very least.

Playing with fire. Playing with fucking fire.

We fuck ourselves with this fire of our sexuality and burn each other.

We keep our desires in a box. Put blinders on them. Handle them with tongs.

Trip and you may fall. Fall and land on your swollen sword. A cut the shape of a scarlet letter.
