x-x-x-x-x. Politics of Sex, Noise and Depression

Big show last night at small club; Sin-E in NYC’s L.E.S. NyQwill, Mad Happy, Pamela Laws (who we got hooked up with by our lawyer friend in Nashville) and Piquo. Piquo rock. These asian folks playing the funnest rock ever. Our girl, Naomi fronting the act with a stand-up drum kit.

Tell you ‘bout the 70 mile tow-truck ride with dude who hospitalized two “faggots” who were “doing what they shouldn’t ‘a been doing” in his bunk in the Navy? Seemed like a great guy at first. Picked up a shovel.

Mad Happy’s recording (sounds great), going broke as usual. Beyond broke, maybe.

New NyQwill tune, “Brick City Nightmare” blew me the fuck Away last night. Goosebumps. Motherlovers are bad-ass.

Tired of booking this band. Call this one at 2:00 AM, this one at 11:00, this one only on Thursday or Friday. Forget for two days and he’s all, “oh, that date’s booked up, when you comin’ through next?” Then you got the ones who loose their calander and want to figure it out the week before. Oh yea, we can play it by ear (you fuck), I might not be hungry next week anyway. Most people don’t have a clue how we make a living at this anyway. Starting to wonder myself.

This laptop’s worth about $100, and dying.

These folks in the sprawling ghetto of Camden, NJ are in jail for starving their four adopted kids. They also had like 5 others of their own. How do you work that shit?

Stay strong, kids. Thanks for listening.

Love to T Jay. Thanks for the ever-standing support. Love,Mike |

