
Mike’s B.S.

What’s New? Hmmmmm.

A Benefit concert yesterday at Coney Island High. Punkinucle, Faction 0, Merauder, lady Luck, Illness.

She (The Band) and Damn Why at C.B.G.B.’S Gallery. Somebody had an Asian porn. magazine, pretty cool, I’m gonna put some of the pictures up…look for it.

Sex Pod and Powerman 5000 (Whose drummer Al Pahanish used to be in S.L.I.[our old band]) at Coney Isl. Hi. on Saturday, I hung w/ Jay from the South Jersey band Stem, what a character.

Powerman’s bass player, Dorian is really good, check him out.

We’re playing the NyQill set at McGovern’s Bar as usual tonight, I hope some people come out and drink.

I went back out to Queens on Friday and mixed the Wammo song with Ron English and Rich the studio owner, Rich is real cool. Queens is a depressing place, closed storefronts galore.

Dirty Three, Medeski Martin and Wood, Charles Mingus.

Peeeeeeeece, Mike ILL 4/14/97
