
Mike’s B.S.

As my super-erotic friend Otter would say, ‘Hey, Hi.’.

Real quick. Saw some heavy free Jazz the other nite; Other Dimensions with Daniel Carter, Mathew Shipp, William Parker, and two other Black men. At first i was thinking Damn man, take it easy, gimme some space. I mean these guys did not let up, and there not playing music you count to or sing along with he melody, you know what I’m saying?

This is some Revolution shit.

By the end of the set, me and everyone else in there (Knitting Factory)were sceaming for more.

It makes me think “Fuck that 4 on the floor one key listeners digest ass rock and Roll pop sphinctor Bullshit.” That’s Right.

The next night (Monday) we did our regular NyQill set at McGovern’s Bar and took that shit to some other dimensions.

We’re speaking to each other in cosmic languages. Fuck Censorship. i want Y’all to be bringing drums, horns, kazoo’s, and other toy’s out to this scene.

Yesterday we went way out in Queens and did some music for a CD ROM Ron English is making. That was fun, but we had hardly any time, so we had to re-arrange the song based on the mistakes our wonderfully bitter drummer, Benny Raw made. Of course he was pissed off and complaining but Fuck it, Waddaya gonna do, right? At least we’ve got a drummer.

Tonight we’re playing Wammo’s last gig in New York at a new club, Arlene’s Grocery. What time? Good Question.

Have a nice day, Mike ILL 4/10/97

