
The pink background is #e99 which is almost all 255 of red and a good deal of the remaining two, green and blue so generally a bunch of what ends up counting as white light. Red + White = Pink.

Dr. Gupta used a needle or I guess they refer to it as a device which well the needle is five or six inches long with a diameter somewhere between a toothpick and a shishkabob skewer that has has a spring loaded trigger to grab chuncks of tissue. He recommended using the lidocaine anasthetic which I was sold on in short order and more than thankful for early in the process. He went a few extra times after I mentioned the $1900 copay and a previous experience where the biopsy needed to be repeated because they had forgotten to check for HPV.

Rivka is doing dishes and making bread dough. Ashirah has been making clay and wire earrings and documenting it on video: jellyfish. Rinah found a new drag and drop page builder for her wordpress shop. Love that our poverty hasn’t dissuaded the kids from artistic endeavors.

Naming some of the dream figures came to mind. Perhaps the fluffy chocolate skinned shaman would like the name Century.

Rikki got a new cancer fundraiser going today. Six hundred dollars came in within a couple of hours. Batá gig this Sunday Ray will play with us. Wóle just called this afternoon to book it. Two hundred bucks which covers gas, fast food for the kids and leaves fifty per player. Seems reasonable. We rehearsed tonight. Need to remember the songs.

If the sky turns green like a pond scum green
I just surrender
It's God's dream.
Go on lord.
If my eyes turn to buttons
and my mouth is sewn closed
I might resemble God's old clothes.
Go on lord.
Having a body...
can I get a fuck?
a fork?
a scalpel?

Poetry sets of words, lines, phrases for use in improv. Hand and finger tattoos call to us.

This writing means nothing without you. Doesn’t exist without you actually.

Ending Eye rarely inter-system.
