Mind Bind

Scott Satterwhite probably continues to quietly bless our little free library (instigateted by mom, built by David Alley) with surplus from Open Books, which is likely where this copy of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One's Own came from. Two lectures about women and fiction combined into a hundred or so brilliant pages.

They (Emily Brontë and Jane Austen) alone were deaf to the persistent voice she writes were deaf to that persistent voice, now grumbling, now patronizing, now domineering, now grieved… which cannot let women alone, like some too conscientious governess, to be refined… if they would be good and win some shiny prize to keep within limits (defined by some gentleman). They did not alter their values based on the opinions of others.

Lock up your libraries (Woolf had been barred from one due to presumed vagina-having) if you like; but there is not gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.

Easy to be insecure writing about rectum-licking particularly when nearly complete blindness to boundaries is an issue but another side of that is the concept of documenting thought free from moral paralysis. To free even the bound mind of the (dreaded) WhItE! mAn!

Meanwhile over forty thousand Palistianians have been murdered by US funded weapons in the past three hundred sixty days. Iran and Israel may be at the brink of war. So there is an update on that status.

May the pussy in your life be comfortably wet.

Love, iLL
