
When isn’t it time to work?

Someone blessed our little free library with A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf.

In latter pages she describes womyn writers Aphra Behn, Emily Brontē, Jane Austen who wrote brilliantly in the margins of their eeked thinly stretched lives.

With testicles and privilege even with all of that we lower middle class masses struggle for cobwebbed corners out of which to create.

No lack of guilt reaching forward from the lives of more conservative ancestry.

Rikki and I fought for weeks and have maybe emerged stubbornly clinging to the marriage and dancing around obstinately elusive discussions of our problematic personalities and frustrations.

Spent a night and day with Rinah’s Oliver’s family at an AirBnB they clean so they can access the giant pool once in a while. Too much air conditioning, fabric softener and air freshener for an asthmatic. I brought the bathing suit that stays wet for hours and now my ass has a slight but annoying rash.

This young man Amir brought his clarinet to church Sunday and plans to regularly. Awesome. Looking forward to getting these folks beyond trying to play the right notes in into the realm of spirit-evokation. Can we put that music book away for now? Tell the story of beauty and pain. He awakes at 3am to drive a beverage delivery truck.

A libertine apparently is someone who sees moral codes and limiting rules of sexual conduct as not useful.

Dream of head in a headstand.
