Zahir's Place

Dear precious diary,

The reason this time for the neglect is that the computer has been across the street at Auto America where I sat and told poor people how much the downpayments are, accepting payments when they came in. Coding all morning with Chris as usual. Coding some in the afternoon amidst other chores. Monday he will pay a hundred dollars for each of the four and half days. He takes vacations once or twice a year.

Have I already told you this?

Do you know about our journey with Beth’s medicare? How medicare you won’t by default qualify for if you have more than $1800 to your name at least when it comes to assisted living? The lawyer that can help out to the tune of $15k?

Habitat ended up not replacing all the windows as the installer had mistakenly reported, but only the two in the rear. Still seven thousand dollars worth of work. Between that and the two mini-split HVAC units, fifteen grand of improvements for which we are only on the hook for three, in fifty dollar payments. Thanks, Jimmy Carter. Nice work.

Wrote a Here We Go Again hymn for Zachary Helton’s upcoming presentation based on the movie Groundhog Day. Currently very much a seventies era pop song with as usual lyrics that challenge such a medium. Playing it this evening, after spending some time listening to John Lennon on vinyl singing God and Working Class Hero and belting out Mother well of course was feeling humble and faced with the futility of commercial ambitions in songwriting, composition and recording.

Still our recording endeavors are being rewarding. Daviyd Balewa had said he wanted to come record today, but seems to have ghosted. Hopefully everything is okay with him, Iya Osunfemi and Terry. Daviyd is related to Lena Horne and even more closely by blood to the Hawkins family who composed the fantastic and classic gospel song Oh Happy Day. He is a proud black jewish latino or maybe a hispanic jewish black or is it a jewish black irish latino?

Zahir is pakistani. The war on Gaza breaks his heart.

Going back to sleep would be a good idea. Rest well dear one. May your dreams be sweet.

Yours truly.

