
Can’t recall if Robin and Emilio had an abortion. Maybe R’bin was too smart to get pregnant.

Woman, some young, got preggo and paid for the abortions themselves ‘cause we were always or usually broke and pregnant with arrogance and privilege.

Loving Robin and Emilio deeply both still the idea of a human being made from them is beautiful and it would be nice if we lived in a world where we had felt we could be artists as well as parents.

Currently facing the dismal prospect of a world of forced birthing.

It is yellow as mustard. It is #958903.

Rinah is making a necklace of bead and chain. Time for bed soon, Rinah. I know.

We all arose at five this morning and drove out to the white beach by the beach ball painted water tower. The commercial one. The first one over the bridge. Spent about thirty minutes in the warm rough waves and were home by seven thirty.

Yearning for some raw oysters, but still a bit unstable in the cash department. Food stamps number is a hundred eighty dollard a month. That doesn’t buy much. One, maybe two trips to the supermarket. Fish market doesn’t accept them anymore anyway. Apparently they dared to let someone buy steamed (“prepared”) food with them so we must be punished.

Certain light touches are annoying and ticklish unless you are horny in which case they are titilating. Context.

If you are a non-birther, thank you for your service.
