
Did not fucking know that. Learned from Reverend Theresa Everett at UU today, in her Lawng Eye-lyn accent that in eighteen sixty one (or so) in South Carolina (Charleston?) a bunch of black people spent two weeks exhuming the bodies of a couple of hundred dead union soldiers from a mass grave in a POW camp and giving them proper burials.

They then had a parade of 10,000 black folks, lead by like two thousand children (some say as high as five) to celebrate their freedom and honor the dead soldiers. Decoration day was the initial name, referring to the decoration of the graves.

End of May was chosen as the annual celebration date becuase by that time flowers bloom all over the country.

Emilio’s zefalicious bass track on The Liars which was seeming dauntingly in need of cleanup yesterday came in pretty easy with smashing the fuck out of it with a compresser (which, in short, makes the soft parts louder so that the whole dynamic range of the processed audio is compressed) and then bringing a few large sections up in volume.

We remind each other nobody gives a fuck, probably noone ever will and this is almost guaranteed to never produce a profit so just fucking express yourself and capture the damn story. Anything else is an ego trip.

Thank you to all who present in ambiguous gender for your help parsing the way out of old traps.
