x-x-x-x-x. industrial hip-hop


Should be doing something dull and productive, but why not write an industrial hip-hop manifesto instead?

First lets put things in perspective.

Now back to our story. What’s industrial hop-hop? Where do Foetus and Public Enemy meet? Where do Wu-Tang Clan and Throbbing Gristle meet, both philosophically and sonically speaking? Mad haPPy describe it’s music as electro-pop/hip-hop. Where do Nine Inch Nails and Nelly meet?

Could it be that industrial hip-hop is the funk of carcinogen-breathers? Dioxin funk. Dioxin Boogie. Industrial music usually has an abrasive sound; bright electro drums and hi hats. Hip-hop’s usually smoother.

In many ways it’s a black/white thing. Black culture spawn hip-hop, white culture spawn industrial music. Industrial Hip-Hop.

Futura 2000 spraypainting the wall of a powerplant, with a beatbox pumping Ultramagnetic MCs and Einstuerzende Neubauten are playing along with a circular saw against an electrical fence.

Hip-hop and Industrial culture feed into and off each other like one long snake eating it’s tail. No Ministry without Africa Bambaata, No Public Enemy without Steve Albini. Industrial hip-hop speaks from the sludge-spouting autonamous zones of Hoboken, New Jersey, Jersey City, Chicago, Detroit, The Meadowlands. Hip-hop is street. Big jackets ‘cause it’s cold and that’s your home.

What’s this? What’s this?

Fiery trash can.

poh-pih. Mike iLL |

