x-x-x-x-x. Hoboken Real Estate as well as Malibu Real Estate and Vail Real Estate in relation to starving anarchist fools.


First thing to thank all you punks, poets, dancers, backpackers, number junkies, philosophers, writers and addicts of all sorts for continuing to read these sundry entries and pain releasing streams.

Secondly to thank the bankers, real estate agents (especially hoboken real estate people) for helping to finance the possibility and potential of continued indulgence. The malibu real estate and vail real estate folks not withstanding. Your continued financial input is truely appreciated.

Now you poets and internet cyborgs can help put some dirty dough in the accounts through click-on-the-google-link financing and possibly give the hoboken real estate and malibu real estate and vail real estate agents a run for their money simply by clicking on the ugly little links to the right of the text when you see it. And of course investing in some fine hoboken real estate or malibu real estate or vail real estate will help as well ‘cause then you’ll get mad wealthy by renting it out weekly to filthy rich european tourists who will pay like, $2000 a week to stay in your posh, furnished apartment, condo, mansion or whatever.

Vail, Colorado is, of course, one of the most expensive ski resort areas in the country, which was rocked by a multi-million dollar arson, attributed (wrongly) to eco-terrorists. Hoboken, New Jersey is where back in the 1970’s it was real cheap and artist types like Mom and Dad moved there to make some NYC loot and buy a house for $20 Grand and live around the corner from scary Puerto Rican gangs, and next door to fireman and policemen and shit. Then the Hoboken Real Estate market drove the values up to the point where illers had to set fires at three AM and kill all the tenants and shit to clear the way for “yuppies”, as they were then called. Now you can hardly touch it. Neo-brownstones made out of styrofoam. Bubble-money paying for bubble-homes; ghetto of the future when it all starts to fall apart.

We’ll see. Malibu. Malibu? Malibu Real Estate? Those are probably numbers you can’t even count to.

Where does all this money come from? What’s the difference between an arms dealer and a Hollywood movie producer, karmically speaking?

Listen to the scared little hoboken real estate mogul talk like a lefty.

Two days left of 2005. Happy New Year, u’all.

Learn some fun dance moves from my man Mr. Wiggles of The Electric Boogaloos and come party with Mad Happy!

Realty. Mike iLL

