x-x-x-x-x. Politics of Sex, Noise and Depression

Wanted to mention about this artist from Chapel Hill who we played with a couple of times. Probly the first “punk” to do the guitar and drum blues duo White Stripes are doing now. Nationally, at least. Flat Duo Jets it was called. He’s telling me about his obsession with Boudelair and Rambaud and how the downward nihilistic spiral into anhibreation left him barely alive and barely sane. That’s the real rock ‘n’ roll, isn’t it? Be strong, bro.

Now Dex hasn’t written a song in years. Sort of a spiritual sacrifice. Penance, maybe. What the fuck I know? As I spit more intellectual noise pollution into y’all’s cyber-space junkie minds.

Rivka and I get married in like, 10 days. Trip. ‘Bout the 30th day of rain in a row up here in NYC. Nice.

Listening to Fatboy Slim, Chemical Bro’s, Outkast, DJ Spooky. Still feelin’ Peaches and The Streets. Still feelin’ Woody Guthrie.

First day of summer. Sweet. Days get shorter ‘till late December. Nights get longer. Time gets shorter by the day. Relative.

Listening to Dan the Automator and Kool Keith. Listening to BlesteNation. PeaceMike |

