
Mike’s B.S.

What’s up with this kid Tiger Woods who made like 60 million dollars last year playing golf? our teachers make $24K a year or some shit.


Boy, it’s a good thing we got this Chemical Weapons Treaty worked out. Now our soldiers don’t have to worry about having their liver turn into jelly 5 years after bombing the shit out of our brothers and sisters who don’t follow the Great White Way.

Last night an Ex-Atorney General was on TV saying Clinton has spent $55 Billion on the ‘Drug War’, more than Reagan and Bush combined.

She also said that she believes Crime rates would drop if drugs were legalized. I think so too. W.S.Buroughs has written some astute things about that.

Chack out his book; The Job. He says something about it in the movie Drug Store Cowboy.

Here’s some cool websites a friend sent: Pagan Style, Make a Bomb, Fool.

I’m feeling a bit depressed. A spaced out moth’fucka, . . .been called Space Man Spliff. Can’t spell the name of the planet I’m on.

This Woman I’m in love with keeps pushing me away. Not that you should care. Music is the only thing I can count on. No, it’s not quite that simple. This is real self indulgent.

I came within 3 feet of hitting a racoon on the road last night driving fool-style up Palasades Parkway.

There’s a really cool rhumba jam every Sunday at the American Legion Building on Ave. C between 9th and 10th Street’s in Manhattan.

It’s $3 admission, $2 Heineken. The Rhumba is an Afro/Cuban jam, sung in spanish, and Lukumi (an African language), accompanied by Conga drums, clave, and these huge shaker gourds called ‘chekare’.

Shit like that is what makes New York such an amazing place to be.

Found this really def music program on the web called Koan. Brian Eno did a bunch of music with it. I haven’t been able to get it working yet, but give it a shot, and look foreward to hearing some of the shit we do with it on our site.

Come to McGovern’s Monday Nite.

Hey MTVixen, Here’ one more naked girl for ya.

Later, Mike ILL 4/27/97

