
The shelf includes a can of organic green matcha powder and a box of PG Tips each of which is promising enjoyment.

But will the enjoyment fulfill the promise? How much of the promise lies in the pretty packaging?

And when you get down to it how much of my self concept is packaging.

God (concept) is a big pretty promising box.

Strip away the packaging and you are left with what, nothing?

Wait. There’s something there. A tiny seed you might have spit out from between your after-bagel teeth.

Closer inspection and it seems to actually have an opening in it.

But in order to get into the opening you need to strip away more and get so small you almost cease to exist.

Partway inside the part that is inside is inside joy. Ecstasy actually. Ecstasy and joy.

The part that still holds onto your name is still out there, hoping to get picked, to be judged favorably, perhaps unjustly accused. To be affirmed.

But the seed will be there even when roaches have become extinct. A vast hard to discern part of me is sure of it.
