
Fatherless day is the gathering E attended today in Asbury Park.

Mother’s Day isn’t actually a greeting card marketing scheme, or at least didn’t begin as one.

Today’s the day we feel sorry for ourselves. Mom is busy serving the kids. Maybe we get ourselves a new tool to facilitate our thankless life of fixing and maintaining.

The mantras that populated this mind today washing the dishes were pathetic. The dirty dishes were a father’s day gift. If service is her love language, she’s mute. What even is a backrub.

Stuck in here with an unhappy lion. The heart actually feels fine, so what is an emotion that resides in thought alone?

On a positive note, Florida republicans apparently implemented a grant program (funds probably depleting the public school system) by which homeschoolers and private schoolers can get money for educational resources. We seem to be being awarded over seven grand per kid for books, lessons, supplies and perhaps even applicable travel.

Happy father.
