
The background color is #343b34 and the text is #e0d084, which is hopefully cream text over an almost black green.

Rikki is rightly nervous that inappropriate details will wind up here and suggested a conversation about it with Mickettric Mann, who has been a fantastic pro-LGBTQ counselor.

Exercise, exorcise, explore. If it isn’t truth why bother.

Want to talk about masturbation as sex, semen retention, orgasm as a sleep aid, vain attempts to suck yourself and doing it easily in dreams. Fingering your rectum isn’t gay. Would fucking yourself be?

Is gay sex even a thing? Why are we even thinking still in these useless binary terms?

Again Stein style is gay sex even a thing. Why are we still considering in these unuseful binary terms.

If we love life we love cock. We love pussy. We love lips. We love eyes, tongues, toes, public hair, collar bones.

How to avoid becoming old and sleazy.

Grateful for long term dependable friends.

So blessed. Y’all are the cream on the milky way.

–MiLLky in the night kitchen
