
This morning the late dream included a pair of mom. Both in kacky pants. By the PATH station in Hoboken on her way home from work. Though she used to take the bus to Business International where they help businesses find the best countries to exploit.

Okay that cynicism is rooted in ignorance and speculation. It’s a branch of The Economist Magazine. Neo-Liberal.

Bombs and starvation continue in Gaza.

Kathy Acker’s Kathy Goes to Haiti experiments with porn, apparently. First thirty pages have a lot of short sentences and a long thin, mostly soft penis.

Something Stein does brilliantly is to repeat statements at appropriate cycles and told in varying ways.

It works to read it again. When I read I hear. When I write I hear. This is a habit one can break. I have read this is a habit you can break. I have heard that. A habit you can break.

Is it always the same voice, the one that reads in your head? What about when the writing is phonetic. Yo you feelin’ me, homie? A set of voices. What about gender? What about the Kathy in Kathy Goes to Haiti? Does she talk like Kathy Acker, with a New Yoh’k City ack-scent?

A pair of mom. Bugged out. She says something about worries. Worries or work. Younger mom, but still wrinkled. Mom wrinkled young but this was a younger mom than she is.

Rivka smells fantastic. Always. Not necessarily to themselves. Maybe not to you. Wonder how Kathy Acker smelled.

Kathy, like Rikki, didn’t have much in the way of a mother.

