x-x-x-x-x. Jersey City


Finished the new CD over the last few weeks and currently recovering (‘till tour starts in two days). Rivka’s in bed with a headache here at her awesome brother Mendy’s condo in Jersey City. He runs the computer network for this Jewish organization in New York and is a PC fanatic. We’re lucky he even lets us open our Mac’s in his place.

Recording the CD was interesting. All the programming and vocals at our place in Pensacola. Sealed up the windows, but still had to record vox at night ‘cause of noise from traffic. Truck motors and ghetto music. Workin’ on the house at the same time so we’d sing from like 9:00 PM ‘till around four, then wake up to hammers, drills and air compressors at like, seven. Deal with questions, issues, errands and the human world ‘till around four or five PM and take a nap for two or three hours. Did that four about two weeks, then did a short tour, came home for two days of cramming on sheetrock, recording and packing and left tuesday afternoon to make it to a gig in Johnson City, 9 hours away. Got there twenty minutes before our set and drove all day wednesday to make it to Richmond for the six day Mix session.

Which, since we hadn’t finished all the vocals in time, consisted of Rivka and I getting up at 10 in the morning and singing for an hour or two (warm up and record), followed by fourteen hours of mixing, two songs a day, with Zef and a house engineer, Bryan Hoffa, both of whom were awesome. During this Rivka cooked and served three meals a day and I dealt with a constant stream of programming/computer errors between the studios system and ours, catching up on tour booking when possible.

It’s been a few days and the CD is sounding great. Finally able to hear it without obsessing on the numerous shortcomings (that word sounds weird, that should’ve been louder, wwe forgot to put this thing in here, what happened to that other sample was s’posed to come in here, etc). It’s planned for a mid-november release, so the artwork and song order are in the shute now, to be done in the car between shows, it looks like. Scrambled to schedule a photo session for day after tomorrow, before driving up to Boston.

Used to catch a dandelion seed and wish for fame and fortune, now just for peace and happiness. Wisdom is wonderful.

g’Zillion SmilEz. Mike iLL |

