x-x-x-x-x. Politics of Sex, Noise and Depression

So - finally got back on the road on like, May 21st and caught up with the tour on the 22nd in Omaha, Nebraska. Nearly missed that show due to hurricane and tornado weather.

Rest of the shows were great, especially St. Louis with Jonathan Toth from Hoth, Tucker Booth, Serengetti and DJ Engelbert. The Show is the Rainbow gig at Duffy’s in Lincoln also fun. Love those people up there. Nathan Brown, “The Cheerleader from Fort Worth, Texas” was fun to do so many shows with, and be on the road with, even though he uses those thin-ass sounding Casio keyboards.

New Orleans turned out to be so great, ‘cause it was totally last minute that we got hipped to this dude, MC Trachiotomy who set up a show with like 5 days notice. Get to town and call him from our man Peter’s place and his friend says tocome down to some bar near the club; The Country Club.

Being that we spend our whole lives in bars, we’re taking our time moseying down there ‘till Peter’s boy, Will is like, “Oh wow, the Country Club. That’s a hard core gay club here you can skinny dip in the pool in the back yard while sipping on your Martini.” “What the fuck are we waiting for?” Get there and it’s Sunday night so this big old New Orleans mansion is practically empty. Ask the bartender if he knows MC Trachiotomy and he directs us to the back yard. Go out there and amidst twenty-something to middle aged gay dudes and one really hot couple fucking around in the pool is this big bald dude with a couple of tattooed friends, amongst them, my old friend Otter, who I haven’t seen in like three years, and totally been channeling, sitting at the side of the pool naked.

Trachiotomy is pushing liquid acid on us, but we explain that Nathan Brown has recently decided to get married to this girl he met on the road amonth ago, and spent like $1000 text messaging on hisbest friends cell phone plan, and wants us to be there. The next evening. In Savannah. Seven Hundred miles away.

After the show that night, which also included Micheal Patrick Welch AKA The White Bitch, whos book The Donkey Show (Equator Books) is fucking amazing, we started in on a huge sack of good cocaine our friend procured for $30.00, stopped in Pensacola to drop of soe shit and made it to Savannah just in time to miss the ceremony by 20 minutes. Not a big deal. Sort of a joke. Three “lesbians” were also marriedatthe ceremony and Nathan and his new bride were “thinking about” filing the paperwork.

Then we all watched some porn. Then Rivka and I watched some more porn by ourselves and tried a few things. The whole affair took about a week to recover from.

Got my ass burned like a mother-fucker this past Monday at the gorgeous beach here and been suffering hard. Couldn’t sleep last night. Covering my body with honey (we do that anyway), baking soda baths with seaweed and tea bags, tearing our aloe plant apart…

This club called Sluggo’s that was pretty mich a Pensacola punk/rock landmark is finally re-opening. They had a show the other night with our friend Will Oldham’s Bonnie Prince Billy, and two other acts he had on the road with him; White Magic and Bright Black (I think that’s the right name). It was great. Club looks terrific. burnin’ up.Señor iLL |

