
Mike iLL


| | | — | | Well! Kinko’s and two almond butter and spelt bread sandwiches. Spelt bread is s’posed to be healthier than regular bread ‘cause it has no wheat in it. Not sure what’s bad about wheat, but I hear it causes mucous to form and men to loose our hair.

Had a great show in New Orleans with NyQwill and Project Logic and a couple of other cool bands. Zack Baird from Hairy Apes BMX (former BillyGoat folks) drove down there with me and played with NyQwill. After the show at about four, five in the morning I hooked up with a hit of exstacy and some herb and drove 13 hours to play in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

All sorts of drama here. The promoter for the show (a friend) had puled a gun on some guy a few days ago after some squable involving the guys girlfriend, and some other kid who was dealing crystal meth got shot and killed by his roommate two weeks ago… Everybody liked the kid who got killed too. So it’s been an interesting stay. Show went well. There’s a whole bunch of cool musicians and music supporters here.

Played a show with Hairy Apes in Austin on Friday; loved it. Those geniuses backed me up on a bunch of songs. They’re soooo good. Mad props to John Spiece (probably spelled wrong), Zack, Mike and J.J.

Juliet and Trey totally took care of me as far as food and divine-style love, as did Christina and the young, sweet Mira.

Gotta give thanks to Jennifer and all who came out and bought stuff too.

Jerm Pollet is a realy terrific antifolk artists based out of Austin too. Funny and deep as hel.

Man… so much love. Cyber Punk ‘Snot Dead.

Oh yea, some crackheads broke into my van (smashed the rear window) and stole my amp and all stickers and records and bla bla bla, but that’s like two weeks ago now, and just business as usual for a traveler.

It’s mostly been taken care of at this point.

Great Luck, Mike iLL
