
Don’t fucking believe the vagina-having patriarch that they are the feminist they purport to be.

Aaaah, get this personality off me!

Rinah turns 15 in August. They are hot glue happy and spreading the gay agenda.

Ashirah continues to endure the sentence of Rinah’s shadow.

Know that shit sucked for you, Ben.

Unitarian Church of Pensacola piano gig since this past June and really digging it.

Doesn’t have the grit of black gospel scene, but neither is there the homophobia and dogmatic judgementalism.

They’re down to sing our hymns. Good people.

Scott Satterwhite has been quite a gift in this life.

All praises due to God, from whom all blessings flow.

That’s what Iya Osunfemi calls your, “prayer wall”.

A rooster gave its life yesterday, to remove negative energy from the being that types these words.

By the will of Elegba. Ashé.

