We Vow to Achieve the Impossible.

Mad haPPy recorded a few songs and an interview for the WUWF Acoustic Interlude yesterday show. It is the first recording of the Bayan, Djembe and voice act and I have been super-excited to have the work documented.

The host, John Macdonell said he really liked it and that it was totally original. Listening to the recording on the way home, the flaws were deafening. My voice sounds distant and un-engaged. Rivka with tuning issues and sliding around to find notes. The bayan at one point makes a crackly noise. Fuck.

We arrived home and I promptly fell ill. Runny nose. Runny nose. Some good friends came over  - I lied about my feelings on the recording (Rivka seems happy - wisely knowing that it’s a beginning), and eventually went to bed feeling feverish.

A dream in which we’re in a church basement and when music playing begins to happen, the accordion is only making air sounds - no tones. I open it up and there are bugs inside. Then bees (have I mentioned I keep bees?), then hornets, all who are chasing and stinging me. The stings look similar to the stitched scars my friend Chris Wilkes (local “rock” promoter) showed me earlier in the day where his gall-bladder has just been removed. I notice the the stings actually feel kind of good in a way.

Maybe the musical flaws are kind of like bee stings. Maybe it’s healthy to always be at the bottom of one mountain or another.
